7. Feedback and testimonials
When you come across a great product or service on or off the internet, send an email to the business owner telling him/her how the product/service helped you. Like you, most business owners appreciate receiving positive feedback and they will most likely feature your testimonial on their website and place a link back to your site! You may even suggest it to the owner by saying something like “you have my permission to feature this testimonial in your promotional material and/or on your website”.
For more great info, go to ....
The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on The Internet
Learn the little-known secrets to starting, growing, and promoting a wildly profitable e-business!"
If you want to learn EXACTLY how to...
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Plus a TON more step-by-step Internet marketing strategies THOUSANDS of regular people are already using to start and grow profitable Internet businesses
More info
Ivana Katz
Websites 4 Small Business
When you come across a great product or service on or off the internet, send an email to the business owner telling him/her how the product/service helped you. Like you, most business owners appreciate receiving positive feedback and they will most likely feature your testimonial on their website and place a link back to your site! You may even suggest it to the owner by saying something like “you have my permission to feature this testimonial in your promotional material and/or on your website”.
For more great info, go to ....
The Insider Secrets to Marketing Your Business on The Internet
Learn the little-known secrets to starting, growing, and promoting a wildly profitable e-business!"
If you want to learn EXACTLY how to...
- Easily build a website in less than a few hours even if you have ZERO web design experience...
- Make 100% NET PROFIT selling the most lucrative, no-brainer product to sell on the Internet...
- Attract subscribers to your e-zine or newsletter like crazy -- even on websites that get almost NO traffic...
- Increase online sales by up to 714% or more using secret one-minute salescopy tricks...
- Score a top ranking in the search engines and directories like Google, Yahoo!, AltaVista, ODP, AllTheWeb, Ask.com, to name a few...Use blogs to drive massive amounts of targeted traffic to your website for FREE......
Plus a TON more step-by-step Internet marketing strategies THOUSANDS of regular people are already using to start and grow profitable Internet businesses
More info
Ivana Katz
Websites 4 Small Business
1 comment:
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