Website (and business) marketing is not a one off exercise. Whether you have a brand new website or one that you've had for a while, you need to continue promoting it in order to bring you more visitors.
You need to constantly work on it, fine-tune it, discard methods that are not working and implement new ones.
The following 6 methods are simple to implement and can be done for free by you today.
1. Email Marketing
Your first step should be to send an email to your existing clients announcing the existence of your website. You should also ask your customers to forward your email onto their friends, family and colleagues.
If you are starting a new business and don't have any customers yet, send an email to people you know who may be interested in your offer.
Remember to email your clients every time you make changes, add new offers or features to your website to remind them to come back.
The next step could be to send your announcement to an opt-in email list. Opt-in email lists contain people or businesses who have requested to receive information about certain topic(s). There are many companies who can provide you with these lists.
Under no circumstance should you EVER send unsolicited email (spam) to people you either don't know or who have not requested to receive your information.
Ivana Katz
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